Ferry Point is where C~Style's always at :)
Chillin at ferry point after exams, popular stress therapy as ever. It was a fun night for all the C~styler Team. We've hauled in nice catches that night... we fish for fun and so should everyone too . Practice Catch and Release for 600 grams and below for selected fish (some fish don't grow beyond 500gms!) :-> Cheers
Catch: Terusan
Bait: Live Prawns
Weight: 800g
Line: 30lbs
Catch: Udang Galah (Local Freshwater Prawns), 3 Terusan, Bulan-Bulan, 2 Kerapu and small fish (bait for next time)
Bait: Prawn Meat
Catch: Sembilang
Bait: Prawn Meat
Weight: 500gms
Expected fish turned Prawns.. no wonder we kept having to bait our hooks.
Catch: Udang Galah (Freshwater Prawns)
Bait: Prawn Meat
This was a surprised catch. One thought he caught more Prawns until he brought it up. nice~ dayat and kutut.
Catch: Kitang
Weight: ???
Bait: Prawn Meat